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ISBN/EAN-Barcode 3-89646-559-7/9783896465597
Buchcover ISBN 9783896465597

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Archäologie zwischen Disziplin und Disziplinen./ Festschrift für Uta Halle zum 65. Geburtstag

This volume is dedicated to Uta Halle, the monument conservator-in-chief and professor for pre- and protohistory in the German federal state of Bremen, for her 65th birthday. It contains a greeting of the mayor and the senator for science and harbours in Bremen, a foreword by the editors, Halle’s bibliography, a list of congratulators, two appraisals, 46 papers, a list of authors, and acknowledgements. The scientific contributions are divided into chapters on “gender and archaeology” [3 papers], “the history of the discipline” [16], “research and knowledge transfer in museums” [5], “living and dying” [5], “Bremen, its surroundings, and all the world” [13], and “the archaeology of modern times and of sites of crime” [4]. Individual papers deal e. g. with research on the Celts, ethnicity, history of research on the island of Rügen, in Russia, Poland, Saxony and Lower Saxony, also on encyclopaedias, medical evidence, signs of torture, headsmen, bishop’s graves, terp settlements, fish bones, traffic routes, a settlement with a manor, castles, wells with preservation of wood, foundations of towns, circular brick discs termed light stones, church buildings, a Third Reich complex, and Carribean holiday resorts.Die Festschrift für Uta Halle, die Landesarchäologin und Professorin für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Bremens, enthält ein Grußwort des Bürgermeisters und der Senatorin für Wissenschaft und Häfen Bremens, ein Vorwort der Herausgeberinnen, ein Schriftenverzeichnis der Jubilarin, eine Tabula Gratulatoria, zwei Würdigungen, 46 Aufsätze, ein AutorInnenverzeichnis sowie eine Danksagung. Die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge gliedern sich in die Themenbereiche “Gender und Archäologie” [3 Aufsätze], “Aus der Geschichte des Fachs” [16], “Museale Forschung und Vermittlung” [5], “Vom Leben und Sterben” [5], “Aus Bremen, umzu und aller Welt” [13] sowie “Archäologie der Moderne und der Tatorte” [4]. Thematisch geht es z. B. um Keltenforschung, Ethnizität, Forschungsgeschichte auf Rügen, in Rußland, Polen, Sachsen und Niedersachsen, außerdem um Enzyklopädien, medizinische Befunde, Folterspuren, Scharfrichter, Bischofsgräber, Wurtensiedlungen, Fischknochenfunde, Verkehrswege, eine Siedlung mit Herrenhof, Burgen, Brunnenbefunde mit Holzerhaltung, Stadtgründung, Ziegelton-Lichtersteine, Kirchenbauten, eine NS-Anlage sowie Ferienressorts in der Karibik.

This volume is dedicated to Uta Halle, the monument conservator-in-chief and professor for pre- and protohistory in the German federal state of Bremen, for her 65th birthday. It contains a greeting of the mayor and the senator for science and harbours in Bremen, a foreword by the editors, Halle’s bibliography, a list of congratulators, two appraisals, 46 papers, a list of authors, and acknowledgements. The scientific contributions are divided into chapters on “gender and archaeology” [3 papers], “the history of the discipline” [16], “research and knowledge transfer in museums” [5], “living and dying” [5], “Bremen, its surroundings, and all the world” [13], and “the archaeology of modern times and of sites of crime” [4]. Individual papers deal e. g. with research on the Celts, ethnicity, history of research on the island of Rügen, in Russia, Poland, Saxony and Lower Saxony, also on encyclopaedias, medical evidence, signs of torture, headsmen, bishop’s graves, terp settlements, fish bones, traffic routes, a settlement with a manor, castles, wells with preservation of wood, foundations of towns, circular brick discs termed light stones, church buildings, a Third Reich complex, and Carribean holiday resorts.


VML Vlg Marie Leidorf
29,7 x 21,0
Internationale Archäologie - Studia honoraria 40
69,80 €


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