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ISBN/EAN-Barcode 3-86757-324-7/9783867573245
Buchcover ISBN 9783867573245

Grab und Raum

Ressourcenteilung in der Rituallandschaft um den Bestattungsplatz Müllrose, Fundplatz 2 (Brandenburg)

von Verena Tiedtke

Untersucht werden das Gräberfeld der Lausitzer Kultur von Müllrose, Fundplatz 2, bei Frankfurt a. d. Oder und seine Umgebung in einem Radius von 20 km im norddeutsch-polnischen Jungmoränengebiet. Es bildete über 400 Jahre vom 12.-9. Jh. v.Chr. [Bz D-Ha C1] einen Fixpunkt in der rituellen Landschaft Ostbrandenburgs mit ihren unbefestigten Siedlungen und wurde danach erst im 3. Jh. v.Chr. wiederbelegt. Neben rituellen Nutzflächen lassen sich sieben Grabgruppen lokalisieren. Es bestanden parallele Wirtschaftskreisläufe für Lebende und Tote bei Ressourcen wie Platz, Holz, Ton und Steinen. Die Individuenzahl aller demographischen Gruppen zeigt, daß wohl sämtliche Toten der bestattenden Gemeinschaften im Gräberfeld beigesetzt wurden. Es fand ausschließlich Leichenverbrennung mit Kiefernholz bei 550-750 C statt, danach wurden Teile aller wichtigen Körperteile und verbrannte Beigaben entnommen und anatomisch korrekt von den Füßen zum Schädel in Urnen oder urnenlosen Grabtypen aufgestapelt. Nachweisbar ist auch die Aufteilung von Leichenbrand innerhalb eines Grabes. Das Belegungsende fällt mit anderen früheisenzeitlichen Umwälzungen zusammen.

This study investigates the cemetery of the Lusatian Culture at Müllrose, site 2, near Frankfurt an der Oder including its surroundings within a radius of 20 km in the North German-Polish upper moraine belt. It formed an anchor point in the ritual landscape of Eastern Brandenburg with its unfortified settlements during some 400 years from the 12th to 9th century B.C. [Bz D-Ha C1] and was only re-occupied in the 3rd century B.C.. Apart from ritual zones, seven burial groups can be localised. There is evidence for parallel economic circles for the living and the dead in resources such as space, wood, clay, and stones. The number of individuals of each demographic subgroup attests that all the deceased of the burying communities were actually deposited within the cemetery. The exclusive burial mode was cremation with pine wood at temperatures of 550-750 C. After this, specimens of all important body parts and cremated personal goods were selected and piled up in an anatomically correct order from feet to head in urns or urn-less grave pits. The division of cremated remains within a grave is also documented. The abandonment of the cemetery coincided with other disruptions of the Early Iron Age.This study investigates the cemetery of the Lusatian Culture at Müllrose, site 2, near Frankfurt an der Oder including its surroundings within a radius of 20 km in the North German-Polish upper moraine belt. It formed an anchor point in the ritual landscape of Eastern Brandenburg with its unfortified settlements during some 400 years from the 12th to 9th century B.C. [Bz D-Ha C1] and was only re-occupied in the 3rd century B.C.. Apart from ritual zones, seven burial groups can be localised. There is evidence for parallel economic circles for the living and the dead in resources such as space, wood, clay, and stones. The number of individuals of each demographic subgroup attests that all the deceased of the burying communities were actually deposited within the cemetery. The exclusive burial mode was cremation with pine wood at temperatures of 550-750 C. After this, specimens of all important body parts and cremated personal goods were selected and piled up in an anatomically correct order from feet to head in urns or urn-less grave pits. The division of cremated remains within a grave is also documented. The abandonment of the cemetery coincided with other disruptions of the Early Iron Age.


VML Vlg Marie Leidorf
29,7 x 21,0
Materialien zur Archäologie in Brandenburg 14
34,80 €


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