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ISBN/EAN-Barcode 3-17-040853-4/9783170408531
Buchcover ISBN 9783170408531

Empathische Kommunikation in der Palliativbetreuung

Grundlagen und Hinweise für die Praxis

von Klaus-Dieter Neander

Professional palliative care not only involves providing demanding medical and nursing care for clients, but is also emotionally burdensome for everyone involved. Worries, fears, hopelessness, despair and hatred may be expressed both verbally and non-verbally, creating a strained atmosphere. How should staff, relatives and clients speak to each other, what is the best way of dealing with the situation? The Rosenberg approach to empathetic communication offers essential ideas and specific aids by enabling us to recognize needs and wishes and find new ways of living together. This volume develops the concept of ?nonviolent communication= for practical application in the field of palliative care. On the basis of examples drawn from real life, it becomes clear that everyone involved is able to benefit. Nonviolent communication requires nothing less than a ?change in behavior= & a difficult journey, but rewarding nevertheless, especially in the field of palliative care.


210 Seiten
30,99 €