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ISBN/EAN-Barcode 3-17-035033-1/9783170350335
Buchcover ISBN 9783170350335

Praxishandbuch Altersmedizin

Geriatrie - Gerontopsychiatrie - Gerontologie

For reasons of demographic changes alone, expertise in geriatric medicine is becoming increasingly important in all areas of clinical care. Appropriate treatment care for the elderly requires complex work at the intersection between geriatrics, gerontopsychiatry and interventional gerontology. This interdisciplinary standard work provides the reader with a systematic, wide-ranging and up-to-date summary of knowledge from all three disciplines that is relevant for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, practical therapy implementation and care planning. Against the background of essential basic concepts that support practical activity (Part I), the main part (Part II) presents the practical clinical approach for the most important and most frequent syndromes in geriatric medicine. In Part III, interdisciplinary topics applicable to several clinical pictures and relevant to clinical work and care are dealt with in a practical manner. In the new edition, separate chapters are added on numerous additional subdisciplines relevant to geriatric medicine (e.g., ENT, ophthalmology, general medicine and traumatology), and existing chapters (e.g., on neurology) have been substantially expanded. Each chapter is written by leading representatives of the subdiscipline concerned. Once again, the emphasis has been placed on evidence-based research and orientation towards current medical guidelines. Numerous case reports, treatment tables, evidence boxes, cross-references and a detailed subject index make the information presented here easily accessible for everyday clinical use.Die adäquate Behandlung und Versorgung des alten Menschen erfordert komplexes Handeln an der Schnittstelle von Geriatrie, Gerontopsychiatrie und Gerontologie. Das interdisziplinäre Standardwerk bietet eine systematische und praxisnahe Zusammenfassung des für die Diagnostik, Differenzialdiagnostik, Therapie und Versorgungsplanung relevanten Wissens aus allen drei Disziplinen. In der erweiterten und umfassend aktualisierten 2. Auflage sind nun zahlreichen zusätzlichen altersmedizinisch relevanten Teildisziplinen (z. B. HNO, Augenheilkunde, Allgemeinmedizin, Traumatologie) eigene Kapitel gewidmet, bestehende Kapitel wurden umfangreich ergänzt.


1004 Seiten
24,5 x 18,0 x 5,2
149,00 €


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